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December updates to the ModernFi API


New Schema Fields:

  • created_at field added to AccountResponse schema for tracking account creation time.
  • Introduced AccountType schema with MMDA and DDA as enumerated values for standardizing account types.

Enhanced Response Codes:

  • POST /digital-banking/v1/accounts: Updated to return 201 Created instead of 200 OK for successful account creation.
  • POST /digital-banking/v1/depositors: Updated to return 201 Created instead of 200 OK for successful depositor creation.
  • DELETE /digital-banking/v1/accounts/{account_id}: Updated to return 204 No Content instead of 200 OK for successful account closure.


Improved Error Messaging:

  • Updated the 500 Internal Server Error description across all endpoints to include a more detailed message.

Type Updates:

  • Changed interest_rate, insurance_limit, and balance in AccountResponse schema from number to string for enhanced precision and flexibility.


Validation and Error Handling:

  • Improved consistency of 422 Validation Error response structure across multiple endpoints.